Blog (Page 8)

Blog (Page 8)

This Weekend @ RWCC

We welcome you to join us in worship at RWCC this weekend.  We pray God’s richest blessings on you as you receive God’s healing touch and the warmth of Christian fellowship. CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP SERVICE IN THE SANCTUARY (11am) Praise Team:  Zayal Sirdar Prayer:  Praise Team Special:  Baptism of Claudia Zapata and Dedication of Claudia’s children Sermon:…

Starting This Weekend

Have we left true character behind?  Are virtues like honor, purity, loyalty, integrity, and gratitude gone? Beginning this weekend (February 11) we tackle that question.  The first virtue we’ll take a look at is honor. What does honoring do? Honoring esteems and lifts up. Dishonoring devalues and tears down. To honor someone is to believe the best about them. To…