Message from Marian

Message from Marian

Greetings Church Family,

In the busyness that we call life, I hope that so far this week you have been touched by God’s love and refreshing.  I am thankful for the refreshing and rejuvenation I experienced at the Breakforth Convention I attended this past weekend and I am excited that I will be back to worship with you all again in a few days.

I am looking forward to the testimonies of two amazing women that will be shared at our Worship Service this week. Come prepared to praise and fellowship this weekend and to hear how God’s love heals, restores and saves. Then plan to stay for the special presentation in the Conference Room immediately following the Worship Service. Taanis Bellerose, Social Justice Advocate, will give her salvation transformation testimony from adoption, loss of identity, addiction, and human trafficking to awakening, followed by Kerri Drader Taylor, Salvation Army Women’s Outreach Worker/Chaplain, who will speak on human trafficking in Canada, Alberta and Edmonton. A light lunch will be served for those in attendance.

And for those not attending the presentation, there will be Finger Food Potluck in the Fellowship Hall. Please bring finger food to share, such as small sandwiches, cheese buns, wraps, cake cookies, fruit, vegetables, or chips. Bring them sliced, plated and ready to put on the table. Please take care of your own containers and take them home with you. No food that requires heating up please, as we will have a minimal kitchen crew working on potluck days (the first Sabbath of each month). We’d like to celebrate the fellowship and community that comes with everyone participating and give our hard-working kitchen crews a break!

I will be issuing tax receipts for tithes and offerings that were made before December 31 in a couple of weeks. According to CRA guidelines, all tax receipts must have proper names and up-to-date addresses. So, if your address has changed or will be changing, please be sure to let me know. These receipts will be issued and placed in your church mailbox for Sabbath, February 10. If you are a regular attendee and don’t have a church mailbox yet, just let me know and I’ll be sure to get you set up with one.

The Prayer and Encouragement ministries at RWCC are two very important aspects of Pastoral Care. If you are in need of prayer or would like to be added to the prayer chain, please email Donna Kutzner ( Likewise, if you are aware of anyone that is in need of encouragement, please contact Ona Marques ( or Michelle Solheiro (

There are a couple of events for our Youth on the horizon that I would like to bring to your attention.

On February 10, there will be a Gym night here at RWCC for KIDS Church and Junior FREAC from 6-8pm. And our older Youth will be meeting at the main lodge at Hawrelak Park at 6pm for an evening of skating. Finish time is 8pm.

Then KIDS Church and Junior FREAC will have an evening of fun at Laser Quest on March 17 from 6:30-8:30pm. Our KIDS Church Pastor, Michelle, will have more information on costs and permission forms. And on March 24, our older Youth will have an opportunity to experience some rock climbing. Pastor Harrison will have more information on costs, location and time. 

Until next week. . .



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