Rest Assured – Discovering Lasting Inner Peace

Rest Assured – Discovering Lasting Inner Peace

Rest is incredibly powerful. It refreshes, rejuvenates, regenerates and rebuilds the mind, body and soul. Rest empowers you to function at your best. Optimally, rest includes a good night’s sleep as well as time to relax and rejuvenate daily, weekly and annually.

The true benefits of rest are misunderstood and often unappreciated. The stress and pressures of life can accumulate over time and can create a generalized “dis-ease” with life. Proper rest is a powerful antidote for this common problem.

Because our society revolves around its own concepts of “success”, many people have become pressed by work and their personal desires to achieve that “success”. The day is filled with many important and seemingly urgent responsibilities, so rest is easily dropped to the bottom of the list. Yet, many do not realize how much more effectively and efficiently their minds, bodies and souls would function, and how much more likely they would reach their goals of “success” if they gave themselves the right kind of rest, at the right time.


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